Schizzo - Intro

Giving life to your ideas.

Giving life to your ideas.

UX Designer
Web Designer
iOS Developer

Pietro - Intro
Schizzo - Bio

Me, Pietro

Me, Pietro

Pietro was born in 1989 on the beautiful island of Sicily, Italy. Gifted with an insatiable appetite for knowledge, we saw him growing more and more curious about science and technology and more and more passionate about photography, literature and philosophy.

One lucky day, at the age if four, Pietro put aside his beloved Lego and said goodbye to the unforgettable hide-and-seek game... all to follow his new passion: computers!

From that moment on, a new life began for the little Pietro, an adventure in a new, mysterious world, in quest of its deepest secrets. He explored all operating systems and got passionate about problem solving and systems science in general.

His whole learning experience was accompanied by a constant search for the latest web styles and fashion, in order to discover new technologies and ideas to put into practice at the first opportunity. Does the story end here? Not at all! Pietro is now about to put his skills to your service: Websites and Web Apps featuring the world’s latest technologies, and Pietro’s good taste and simple logics. I can see you want to know more about his skills... keep on reading...

Skills: Objective-C (Cocoa Framework), NodeJS +, HTML 4, HTML 5, XHTML, CSS 2, CSS 3, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, XML, PHP, MySQL, Flash, MVC (Symfony), Joomla, Wordpress, Notepad++, Sublime Text, Photoshop.

; Pietro - Bio

Latest works...

Latest works...

Pietro - Portfolio
TMR Charley Fazio
Charley Fazio
sito web + area amminstrativa + SEO

Other works...

Borgo Murauto iPhone/iPad App
Solargest Mobile (jQuery mobile WebApp + iPhone/iPad App)
Villa Dora B&Bwordpress + SEO
SIAPA S.r.l. (sito web + reserverd area + online payments)

Pietro - Contatti

Pietro Terranova


Tutte le app di Pietro Terranova disponibili su AppStore
Stefano Terranova

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